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Guenterhogrefe.de statistics
Website: www.guenterhogrefe.de Site geolocation: Germany Host name: webme.com DNS servers: ns01.webme.com (, ns02.webme.com ( Server type: Varnish CMS, scripts... : Google Analytics Registrar: DENIC eG State:Hi , It's Me connect |
Info about www.guenterhogrefe.de
Site title (46 chr.): Auch im Alter locker bleiben... - Gelassenheit Keywords (106 chr.): Gelassenheit, Alter, Leben, Einsicht, Weisheit, Gleichmut, Medium, Günter Hogrefe, guenterhogrefe.de, Description (98 chr.): Günter Hogrefe, Gelassenheit im Leben. Mit dem Zug nach Brighton, Begegnung mit einem Medium. Top 7 two word phrases (δ, ϱ %): des lebens (2, 1.36), nter hogrefe (2, 1.36), g nter (2, 1.36), du mit (1, 0.68), situationen auf (1, 0.68), fassung schwierige (1, 0.68), mit dem (1, 0.68) Top 7 three word phrases (δ, ϱ %): g nter hogrefe (2, 1.36), situationen auf geht (1, 0.68), s mit dem (1, 0.68), ber london st (1, 0.68), mit fassung schwierige (1, 0.68), zug nach england (1, 0.68), zur inneren ruhe (1, 0.68) Content: Headings (8), Bold phrases (33), Links (34), Images (16), more info about page content on the sites comparison and keywords density pages. Encoding: Server - iso-8859-15, Document (real) - iso-8859-15, Document (declared) - iso-8859-1 |
Safety, www.guenterhogrefe.de directories presence
Google safe browsing: Website www.guenterhogrefe.de is not currently listed as suspicious. Recheck...
Dr.Web: Check... | Web archive: Absent Yandex catalog: No |
Guenterhogrefe.de ratings
Website estimated worth | $212.00 | |
Real PageRank of www.guenterhogrefe.de | 3.88/10 | |
TrustRank(sm), site authority | 0.91/10 | |
Alexa Ranking | 25,087,983 | |
Yandex IKS | 0 |
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Real PR/TrustRank graphs
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Drag to pan, double click to zoom (or use the mouse scrollwheel).Competitors of guenterhogrefe.de
No data
www.guenterhogrefe.de search engines & social media analysis
Indexed pages | Incoming links | ||
Google documents: | 76 | Alexa links: | 22 |
Bing: | 89 | Bing references: | 152 |
Yandex pages: | 7 | Yandex mentions: | 265 |
Social media | |||
Twitter: | 27 | Blogs, forums, images | |
Facebook: | 100 | Google blogs: | Show |
Delicious: | Show | Google images: | Show |
Google+1: | 1 | Yandex blogs & forums: | Show |
LinkedIn: | 0 | Yandex images: | Show |
Vkontakte: | 0 | ||
Odnoklassniki: | 0 | Miscellaneous | |
Moi Mir: | 0 | Yahoo! index: | Check |
Outgoing links: | Check | ||
Site's code | Sticked sites: | Check | |
Link checker | Show | Google cache: | Check |
PageSpeed: | Show | Yandex cache: | Check |
HTML validation: | 132, 82 | Plagiarism detection: | Check |
CSS validation: | Show | Related sites: | Check |
MobileOK test: | Show | DNS, Ping, WhoIs, Traceroute | Check |
Uptime monitoring: | Show | WhoIs history: | Here or There |
Website Spellcheck: | Show | Yandex catalog links: | Check |
Geography & traffic of www.guenterhogrefe.de
Visitors by country
| |||||
Alexa traffic | |||||
Google traffic | |||||
guenterhogrefe.de backlinks, complex analysis
Links and site audit by Solomono | |||||||||
Indexed pages: | 39 | ||||||||
Same IP domains: | 2,224 | ||||||||
Site mirrors: | 0 | ||||||||
Referring domains: | 78 (1CA: 1, 2CA: 48, 3CA: 26, 4CA: 378) | ||||||||
Referring subnets: | 59 | ||||||||
IP donors: | 60 | ||||||||
Incoming links: | 1,430 (1CA: 1, 2CA: 105, 3CA: 946, 4CA: 378) | ||||||||
Incoming anchor texts: | 21 | ||||||||
Domains acceptors: | 13 | ||||||||
Outgoing links: | 170 (1CA: 7, 2CA: 99, 3CA: 64, 4CA: 0) | ||||||||
Outgoing anchor texts: | 8 | ||||||||
IGood, donors coefficient: | 19,727 / 933,900 ≈ 0.0211 | ||||||||
Site spammy links: | 37.21% | ||||||||
Backlinks analysis by Majestic SEO | |||||||||
| |||||||||
Backlinks history (cumulative) | |||||||||
Backlinks history (non-cumulative, all time by days) | |||||||||
Backlinks history (non-cumulative, last 3 months) ------------------------------------ | |||||||||
Referring domains history (cumulative) | |||||||||
Referring domains (non-cumulative, all time by days) | |||||||||
Referring domains (non-cumulative, last 3 months) Compare to rival (e.g. dnray.com ): |
Summary stats of www.guenterhogrefe.de
Incoming links to guenterhogrefe.de (167 rows)
Donor | Acceptor | Dcy | Acy | Anchor | NI | NF |
http://geizfinder.de/cgi-bin/links/... | http://guenterhogrefe.de/ | 0 | ~ | 0 | 0 | |
http://japan-herb-science.com/jhs/?... | http://guenterhogrefe.de/ | 0 | (more&8230;) | 0 | 1 | |
http://domainmetrics.de/domain/www.... | http://guenterhogrefe.de/1-Gel | 0 | 1 Gelassenheit | 0 | 1 | |
http://domainmetrics.de/domain/www.... | http://guenterhogrefe.de/1a-Si | 0 | 1a Sitemap | 0 | 1 | |
http://domainmetrics.de/domain/www.... | http://guenterhogrefe.de/2-Wei | 0 | 2 Weisheit | 0 | 1 | |
http://domainmetrics.de/domain/www.... | http://guenterhogrefe.de/3-Gle | 0 | 3 Gleichmut | 0 | 1 | |
http://domainmetrics.de/domain/www.... | http://guenterhogrefe.de/4-Lin | 0 | 4 Links | 0 | 1 | |
http://domainmetrics.de/domain/www.... | http://guenterhogrefe.de/5-Gal | 0 | 5 Galerie | 0 | 1 | |
http://domainmetrics.de/domain/www.... | http://guenterhogrefe.de/6-G.a | 0 | 6 Gästebuch | 0 | 1 | |
http://domainmetrics.de/domain/www.... | http://guenterhogrefe.de/7-Kon | 0 | 7 Kontakt | 0 | 1 | |
http://domainmetrics.de/domain/www.... | http://guenterhogrefe.de/8-Imp | 0 | 8 Impressum und Privacy Policy | 0 | 1 | |
http://domainmetrics.de/domain/www.... | http://guenterhogrefe.de/Zeit- | 0 | => Zeit des Lebens | 0 | 1 | |
Guenterhogrefe.de serp positions
Phrase | Go. | Yn. | Vis. | Qr. | WST | Y.D | Disp. | D.Val. | Cost |
Current page links