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Kibey.com SEO audit

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kibey.com value - 12232$ kibey.com Trust Rank - 4.40 kibey.com Real PageRank - 4.22 kibey.com - Alexa19421/PageRank3 kibey.com - X0 Ifnormers for kibey.com

Kibey.com statistics

Website: kibey.com kibey.com
Site geolocation: China, Zhejiang, Jinhua
Host name:
DNS servers: ns3.dnsv3.com (, ns4.dnsv3.com (
Server type: nginx/1.4.1
Software: PHP/5.5.3-1+debphp.org~precise+2
CMS, scripts... : jQuery
Registration date: 04-03-2012 (12 years, 221 days ago)
Expiration date: 04-03-2017 (-8 year, -222 day left)
Registrar: Domain
ISP: CHINANET-ZJ Jinhua node network (CN), Email , Phone
State:Hi , It's Me clientTransferProhibited, clientUpdateProhibited

Info about kibey.com

Site title (12 chr.): 启维|开启文化创意新维度
Keywords (69 chr.): 启维, 启维网, kibey, 文艺, 文艺青年, 创意, 设计, 摄影, 文青, 电台, 设计师, 摄影师, 动画, 独立动画, 微电影, 独立电影, 小众, 独立音乐,
Description (22 chr.): 启维网|基于挖掘兴趣、分享创作的文艺青年社区
Top 7 two word phrases (δ, ϱ %): xianpianzi taobao (2, 1.64), 小时以前 智能手机改变了什么 (1, 0.82), 看看纽约一家知名餐厅的控诉 生活手机分析智能 (1, 0.82), 最新回复由旅 小时以前 (1, 0.82), 热门领域 查看更多 (1, 0.82), 情感爱短篇文字 最新回复由 (1, 0.82), 小时以前 今夜有暴风雨 (1, 0.82)
Top 7 three word phrases (δ, ϱ %): 查看更多 生活 创意 (1, 0.82), 电影 短篇 启维旗下系列产品 (1, 0.82), 启维旗下拥有三个系列产品 分别专注于视觉艺术 文化 (1, 0.82), 最新回复由旅 小时以前 热门领域 (1, 0.82), 智能手机改变了什么 看看纽约一家知名餐厅的控诉 生活手机分析智能 (1, 0.82), 小时以前 逼格爆表的椅子们 设计艺术动物创意椅子 (1, 0.82), 最新回复由安安安安安 小时以前 今夜有暴风雨 (1, 0.82)
Content: Headings (34), Bold phrases (10), Links (101), Images (29), more info about page content on the sites comparison and keywords density pages.
Encoding: Document (real) - utf-8, Document (declared) - utf-8

Safety, kibey.com directories presence

Advisory by McAfee: Site kibey.com is safe. Check...
Google safe browsing: Website kibey.com is not currently listed as suspicious. Recheck...
Yandex safety: Site kibey.com is not infected. Check...
Dr.Web: Check...
Web archive: Present
Yandex catalog: No

Kibey.com ratings

Website estimated worth $12,232.00 kibey.com worth - $12,232.00
Real PageRank of kibey.com 4.22/10 kibey.com Real PageRank - 4.22
TrustRank(sm), site authority 4.40/10 TrustRank(sm) for kibey.com - 4.40
Alexa Ranking 19,421 kibey.com - Alexa 19,421/PageRank3
Yandex IKS 0 kibey.com - yX0
Informers and Widgets for Kibey.com
kibey.com worth - 12232
kibey.com real pagerank - 4.22
Trust Rank of kibey.com - 4.40
kibey.com - Alexa19421/PR3
kibey.com - yX0/

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yIKS/Site Value graphs

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Competitors of kibey.com

No data

kibey.com search engines & social media analysis

Indexed pages Incoming links 
Google documents:562,000 Alexa links:62
Bing:Check Bing references:Check
Yandex pages:Check Yandex mentions:Check
Social media   
Twitter:5Blogs, forums, images 
Facebook:3 Google blogs:Show
Delicious:Show Google images:Show
Google+1:15 Yandex blogs & forums:Show
LinkedIn:0 Yandex images:Show
Moi Mir:Show Yahoo! index:Check
   Outgoing links:Check
Site's code  Sticked sites:Check
Link checkerShow Google cache:Check
PageSpeed:Show Yandex cache:Check
HTML validation:4949 errors, 88 warnings Plagiarism detection:Check
CSS validation:Show Related sites:Check
MobileOK test:ShowDNS, Ping, WhoIs, TracerouteCheck
Uptime monitoring:Show WhoIs history:Here or There
Website Spellcheck:Show Yandex catalog links:Check

Geography & traffic of kibey.com

Visitors by country
China: 98.1% United States: 1.6%   
Alexa traffic
Traffic of kibey.com
Data Type:

Data Range:


Google traffic
Traffic graph of kibey.com



kibey.com traffic Quantcast traffic for kibey.com

kibey.com backlinks, complex analysis

Links and site audit by Solomono
Indexed pages: 259
Same IP domains: 0
Site mirrors: 0
Referring domains: 27 (1CA: 4, 2CA: 19, 3CA: 5, 4CA: 3)
Referring subnets: 22
IP donors: 24
Incoming links: 81 (1CA: 4, 2CA: 61, 3CA: 13, 4CA: 3)
Incoming anchor texts: 14
Domains acceptors: 27
Outgoing links: 1,591 (1CA: 6, 2CA: 121, 3CA: 1464, 4CA: 1464)
Outgoing anchor texts: 17
IGood, donors coefficient: 1,057 / 5,889,0350.0002
Site spammy links: 4.70%
Backlinks analysis by Majestic SEO
External Backlinks: 63,311
Referring Domains: 333
Trust Flow: 15
Citation Flow: 33
Backlinks history (cumulative)
Backlinks history (non-cumulative, all time by days)
Backlinks history (non-cumulative, last 3 months)

Referring domains history (cumulative)
Referring domains (non-cumulative, all time by days)
Referring domains (non-cumulative, last 3 months)

Compare to rival (e.g. dnray.com ):

Current page links


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