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Trains.com statistics
Website: trains.com Site geolocation: United States Host name: DNS servers: dns1.kalmbach.com (, dns3.kalmbach.com ( Server type: Microsoft-IIS/7.0 Software: ASP.NET CMS, scripts... : Google Analytics Registration date: 01-05-1995 (29 years, 190 days ago) Expiration date: 02-05-2018 (-7 year, -190 day left) Registrar: NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC State:Hi , It's Me clientTransferProhibited |
Info about trains.com
Site title (94 chr.): Trains.com - Trains, Model Trains, Model Railroading, Toy Trains, Garden Trains, Railroad News Top 7 two word phrases (δ, ϱ %): model railroader (7, 1.40), trains magazine (5, 1.00), toy trains (5, 1.00), trains com (4, 0.80), garden railways (4, 0.80), classic trains (4, 0.80), video plus (4, 0.80) Top 7 three word phrases (δ, ϱ %): model railroader video (3, 0.60), kalmbach publishing co (2, 0.40), whether you re (2, 0.40), railroader glossarymodel railroader (2, 0.40), toy trains magazine (2, 0.40), trains bi weekly (2, 0.40), g large scale (2, 0.40) Content: Headings (4), Bold phrases (8), Italic phrases (19), Links (98), Images (27), more info about page content on the sites comparison and keywords density pages. Encoding: Server - utf-8, Document (real) - utf-8, Document (declared) - Not set |
Trains.com ratings
Website estimated worth | $134,958.00 | |
Real PageRank of trains.com | 6.16/10 | |
TrustRank(sm), site authority | 5.57/10 | |
Alexa Ranking | 124,598 | |
Yandex IKS | 20 |
Informers and Widgets for Trains.com
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Real PR/TrustRank graphs
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Drag to pan, double click to zoom (or use the mouse scrollwheel).Competitors of trains.com
youtube.com | indiarailinfo.com | steamup.com | traincanada.com | viarail.ca |
ebay.com | amazon.com | about.com | amtrak.com | wikipedia.org |
trains.com search engines & social media analysis
Indexed pages | Incoming links | ||
Google documents: | 1,320,000 | Alexa links: | 719 |
Bing: | 39 | Bing references: | 89,600 |
Yandex pages: | Check | Yandex mentions: | Check |
Social media | |||
Twitter: | 5 | Blogs, forums, images | |
Facebook: | 146 | Google blogs: | Show |
Delicious: | 6 | Google images: | Show |
Google+1: | 7 | Yandex blogs & forums: | Show |
LinkedIn: | 0 | Yandex images: | Show |
Vkontakte: | 0 | ||
Odnoklassniki: | 0 | Miscellaneous | |
Moi Mir: | Show | Yahoo! index: | Check |
Outgoing links: | Check | ||
Site's code | Sticked sites: | Check | |
Link checker | Show | Google cache: | Check |
PageSpeed: | Show | Yandex cache: | Check |
HTML validation: | 19, 9 | Plagiarism detection: | Check |
CSS validation: | Show | Related sites: | Check |
MobileOK test: | Show | DNS, Ping, WhoIs, Traceroute | Check |
Uptime monitoring: | Show | WhoIs history: | Here or There |
Website Spellcheck: | Show | Yandex catalog links: | Check |
Geography & traffic of trains.com
Visitors by country
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Alexa traffic | |||||
Google traffic | |||||
trains.com backlinks, complex analysis
Links and site audit by Solomono | |||||||||
Indexed pages: | 0 | ||||||||
Same IP domains: | 0 | ||||||||
Site mirrors: | 0 | ||||||||
Referring domains: | 533 (1CA: 70, 2CA: 425, 3CA: 38, 4CA: 4359) | ||||||||
Referring subnets: | 344 | ||||||||
IP donors: | 413 | ||||||||
Incoming links: | 8,828 (1CA: 73, 2CA: 1862, 3CA: 2534, 4CA: 4359) | ||||||||
Incoming anchor texts: | 239 | ||||||||
Domains acceptors: | 0 | ||||||||
Outgoing links: | 0 (1CA: 0, 2CA: 0, 3CA: 0, 4CA: 0) | ||||||||
Outgoing anchor texts: | 0 | ||||||||
IGood, donors coefficient: | 89,901 / 11,102,049 ≈ 0.0081 | ||||||||
Site spammy links: | N/A | ||||||||
Backlinks analysis by Majestic SEO | |||||||||
| |||||||||
Backlinks history (cumulative) | |||||||||
Backlinks history (non-cumulative, all time by days) | |||||||||
Backlinks history (non-cumulative, last 3 months) ------------------------------------ | |||||||||
Referring domains history (cumulative) | |||||||||
Referring domains (non-cumulative, all time by days) | |||||||||
Referring domains (non-cumulative, last 3 months) Compare to rival (e.g. dnray.com ): |
Summary stats of trains.com
Incoming links to trains.com (104 rows)
Donor | Acceptor | Dcy | Acy | Anchor | NI | NF |
http://rochelletrainpark.com/ | http://trains.com/trn/webcams/ | 10 | 30 | ~ | 0 | 0 |
http://texastrader.com/Information/... | http://trains.com/trn/default. | 10 | 30 | "Ask Trains from November 2008" | 0 | 0 |
http://translationdirectory.com/glo... | http://trains.com/trn/glossary | 60 | 30 | "Glossary Of Common Railroad Terms: B" | 0 | 1 |
http://vdare.com/articles/view-from... | http://trains.com/Content/Dyna | 50 | 30 | Altamont Commuter Express | 0 | 0 |
http://cargolaw.com/cameras.html | http://trains.com/content/stat | 20 | 30 | BNSF St. Paul Line Crossing With UP Geneva Subdivision Line | 0 | 0 |
http://modeltrainjournal.com/ | http://trains.com/ctt | -1 | 30 | CLASSIC TOY TRAINS Magazine | 0 | 0 |
http://btcomm.com/articles/writing_... | http://trains.com/ctt/default. | 10 | 30 | CTT (Classic Toy Trains) Submission Guidelines | 0 | 0 |
http://hypertextbook.com/facts/2001... | http://trains.com/content/dyna | 60 | 30 | CTT Online Exclusive: MTH RailKing's Union Pacific "Big Blow" tu | 0 | 0 |
http://thortrains.net/ogrr1.html | http://trains.com/home.asp | 10 | 30 | Classic Toy Trains | 0 | 0 |
http://mag-netmediahub.com/AZ_Searc... | http://trains.com/ctt/ | 0 | 30 | Classic Toy Trains | 0 | 0 |
http://masshome.com/railroads.html | http://trains.com/ctt/ | 10 | 30 | Classic Toy Trains - Kalmbach Publishing Co. | 0 | 0 |
http://world-newspapers.com/hobby.h... | http://trains.com/ctr/ | 100 | 30 | Classic Trains Magazine | 0 | 0 |
Current page links