Google Added More Power To Its Mobile Ranking Signals

Started by Brainpulse, 05-16-2016, 06:33:59

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BrainpulseTopic starter

In March this year, Google made an announcement that it would be adding more powers to mobile-friendly algorithm sometimes in the month of May. It would be helpful in strengthening the effect of its mobile-friendly ranking signals. Please read more details here :

Smart Ranking

This is a useful news. I hope this factor will affect desktop research as mobile.
Many Mobile on-page factor have been already added to many seo softwares.


Thank you ! I totally agree thta you don't have a mobile-friendly website, you may have less of an opportunity to show up in mobile  search results.


Utilization of AMP: While not an immediate Google positioning element, AMP might be a necessity to rank in the portable adaptation of the Google News Carousel. ... Including or expelling whole areas is more huge than ..... Backlink Age: According to a Google patent, more established connections have more positioning force than recently stamped ..


Direct traffic is key to your ranking. The SEMrush report states that even after adding five new ranking factors to their report, direct website traffic is still the most influential. That is, when many users go to a website directly, it signals to Google that the domain has high authority and value.